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Why one volunteer felt compelled to coach the Special Olympic Sunbirds


TUCSON, Arizona — Every Friday evening at Sporting Chance Center, Brandon Panizo and other Special Olympics basketball players known as the Sunbirds start with some drills.

"We practice basic fundamentals of baksketball," said Panizo. "We scrimmage towards the end."

Panizo has high functioning autism. Other players have down syndrome.

Greg Sierra is a volunteer coach who got started when his brother because a Special Olympian.

"After I went to a couple of practices, and I saw how he was struggling with just one coach, I gave in, and ever since, I was hooked," said Sierra.

Sierra also coaches softball, and feels the commitment is well worth it.

"Seeing them succeed," added Sierra. "It's not just the winning. It's the comradery."

Panizo isn't just a player, he's also a captain and mentor.

"He's always encouraging other players," said Sierra.

"I can work with them and make friendships," said Panizo.

The Sunbirds are practicing for a county tournament in mid-February and then a state tournament the next month.

"Them being there, the results are going to turn out when they play," said Sierra.

Sierra's generous heart embodies part of the Special Olympics message, while Panizo covers the part about inclusion and bravery.

"Do not be afraid, be courageous, and come out and check it out," added Panizo.