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What one cancer survivor has in common with a legendary golfer


TUCSON, Arizona — Allison Knudson first noticed something was wrong at the age of 28.

"They said I was too young for anything serious," said Knudson.

She decided to have a colonoscopy, and learned she had stage one colon cancer.

"The doctor personally called and said I would have been dead in three years."

Her cancer, which was caught early, hasn't returned.

"So far, so good, knock on wood."

Knudson has taken up the sport of golf. On this day, she is partnered with Kim Adair of "Butt Check" and is part of Exact Science's "Paired with a Pro" program. The pro she's paired with is the legendary Tom Lehman, who also is a colon cancer survivor.

"I've heard many great things about him."

The two meet at the driving range before Lehman's first round.

"My story is a lot like yours," Lehman told Knudson.

Both were diagnosed at a young age and caught it early.

"We both got lucky," addd Lehman.

At the Cologuard Classi, each pro golfer wears a ribbon with an honoree's name throughout the tournament.

"It means a lot for me to be here," said Knudson. "I've been crying with everyone's stories."

Knudson has a message to others.

"If you think something is wrong, it doesn't hurt to be wrong. "Get it taken care of before it's too late."