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Two Arizona hockey players skate their way to a gold medal


TUCSON, Ariz. — The World Cup of University Hockey gathers players from all around the world.

Players are selected from three different college associations to represent eight countries in a collegiate hockey world championship.

From the ACHA, the American Collegiate Hockey Association, two Arizona Men's Hockey players were called up to represent Team USA.

“It was one of the coolest experiences I’ve had in my life," Arizona hockey player, Brody Selman said.

Brody Selman and Jesse Lowell got the call in March.

“To just know I made the team and I get to represent my country and having my best friend with me to experience it all," Selman said.

From strangers to roommates, Selman and Lowell went on to win gold in the WCoUH.

“Once that clock hit zero you know it was special, being with all my teammates, being with 'Brods' and just celebrating that win for the United States," Lowell said. "I mean I get goosebumps talking about it now. It was a really special experience.”

But, for Selman it was different.

Something else was going through his mind when that clock hit zero.

“Unfortunately, I lost my grandma two weeks before I left, and she was always talking about it when I told her, so I knew she was with me in that moment," Selman said.

The two are looking to bring a little bit of the World Cup back home.

“It’s special to go over there and learn from other guys in the league and try and implement that into University of Arizona," Lowell said.

As captain, Lowell said being able to play with international players only pushed him further to grow his and the Wildcats game.

The two will show off their game next against University of Utah on Friday.


Erin Patterson is a reporter for KGUN 9. She's agraduate of the University of Alabama with a Bachelor’s in News Media with a Sports Concentration. Erin recently obtained her Master's Degree in Sports Journalism from Arizona State University at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, where she gained experience a sports reporter, anchor and producer. Share your story ideas and important issues with Erin by emailing
