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Sugar Skulls WR Carrington Thompson makes a connection at Boys & Girls Club


TUCSON, Arizona — When Carrington Thompson isn't making a one hand catch as wide receiver for the Tucson Sugar Skulls, he's lending a helping hand.

On this day, Thompson is walking kids, after school, from Robert Naylor K-8, to where he volunteers at the Jim and Vicki Click Boys & Girls Club at 29th and Columbus. The second year Sugar Skull is a father of three from just outside of Houston.

"Where I came from, people that were in position gave back," said Thompson. "It opened up a bright spot in me when I was a kid growing up."

In a game of flag football, nine year old Ashley Strauss appears to be one of Thompson's biggest fans.

"For her to come up to me and just start talking to me, it was shocking to see her that comfortable," said Thompson.

More shocking is that Ashley, who is from Venezuela, spoke the only language she knew, Spanish, to Carrington, who speaks only English.

"It's funny that I built a bond with someone that I can't really speak that much to," said Carrington.

Whether it be flag football or dodgeball, Ashley's English quickly improved, inspiring Carrington to learn Spanish.

"I told her that every time we come in here, we're going to have a Spanish lesson," said Carrington.

It's a case where a Tucson Sugar Skull was giving back, and received something in return.

"That's why I want to give back because sometimes that little piece of working to change someone, especially in the younger generation, means a lot to me," said Carrington.