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Rusty Wallace Experience coming to Tucson Speedway


TUCSON, Arizona — Dustin Jones grew up racing in Tucson.

"It's definitely a family sport," said Jones.

Dustin met his wife, Kelly, while racing. On this evening, their fifteen year old daughter, Kiersten, is taking the wheel as she qualifies for a tuck race around Tucson Speedway.

Now, Dustin wants others to mash the gas. He's bringing the Rusty Wallace Racing Experience to Tucson, meaning anyone can purchase a ride, climb in a retired late model, and take some laps around the track.

If you're not familiar with Rusty Wallace, he's a member of the Nascar Hall of Fame. The Rusty Wallace Experience is a franchise that takes place at tracks nationwide. The cars on display at Tucson Speedway can go up to 110 miles per hour.

"There's no better feeling than seeing the look on people's faces when they get out of these cars."

There is an instructor and a ride-along to help. As of now, the only date the Rusty Wallace Racing Experience is available is on April 16th, but additional dates may be made available.