TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Whether you’ve been using your green thumb for years, or you’re just looking to learn more about plants in the desert…
"I’ve been exposed to so many different plants that I had no idea existed," says participant, Nicole Allen.

Little free plant stands are becoming, might you say, a growing trend in Tucson.
"For me, there are about five stands within 10 minutes from my house," says participant, Harbhajan Khalsa.
And the concept is relatively simple.
"You can drive by, you can pick something up, you can leave something if you want, or you can just get something that looks interesting or abnormal or something that you enjoy," says Allen.
"Right now, I have aloe, some seeds, and bushes. I have lots of pots and different things to grow seeds with," says Khalsa.

Not to mention, it’s a great way to connect with and give back to our neighbors.
"Instead of throwing away starter plants that are coming up in my garden that I don't have room for, I can dig them up and give them to our community," says Allen.
Especially while so many of us are working from home.
"It makes me so happy. I sit here and I'll be in meetings and I'm like, 'Oh who's dropping things off?' and it's just such a positive thing. People love plants," says Khalsa.

Call it a distraction during a really tough year, or just a great way to learn, connect and find positivity. Little free plant stands…making a big impact in Tucson.
Click here for a list of plant share stands around Tucson and the rest of Arizona.