KGUN 9NewsSpirit of Southern Arizona


Arizona Serve opens new volunteer opportunities to help numerous local organizations

Arizona Serve
Posted 1:53 PM, Aug 31, 2021
and last updated 3:42 PM, Aug 31, 2021

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — When the pandemic began, 60-year-old Cindy Hogan knew she wanted to find a way to help.

"I kind of saw time ticking away. I decided that if I wanted to do something for the community that this would be the time," said Hogan.

She was brought on by Arizona Serve as a part-time AmeriCorps member. Arizona Serve connects people with big hearts to local organizations where help is needed the most.

"At United Way, I was the Digital Inclusion Project Manager. We were trying to see that everyone who needs and wants to be on the internet has that opportunity," said Hogan.

FULL SECTION: Spirit of Southern Arizona

United Way is just one of over 20 local organizations Arizona Serve provides volunteer help to. The Pima County Health Department, Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, International Rescue Mission, schools and more are all receiving help from AmeriCorps members.

"Here in our community, we have so many needs and gaps that already existed before COVID. Now with COVID, we're finding that those needs are not going away. In fact, they've become even more complicated," said Arizona Serve Program Manager, Sarah Haber.

Because of this, Arizona Serve is looking for new volunteer members to join their team.

"There is such a wide range of opportunities that our members can take on," said Haber.

Through Arizona Serve, over 50 people found opportunities to serve the community. By the end of the year, they hope to expand their team of volunteers to around 100 people.

Into the future, Hogan plans to continue doing good.

"This group is bubbling up the issues of our time that really need to be faced and dealt with. It's really a super group of people that are getting that word out," said Hogan.

To apply for an AmeriCorps position with Arizona Serve, one must be at least 17-years-old, pass a background check and show proof of citizenship. To view a full list of open positions, click here.