Telegraph, Mescal Fire burning in communities east of Valley

Telegraph FireAZ State Forestry
Telegraph FireSuperior Fire Department
Telegraph FireCliff Castle Chopper
Telegraph FireTonto National Forest
Telegraph FireABC15
Telegraph FireCliff Castle Chopper
Telegraph FireCliff Castle Chopper
Telegraph FireAZ State Forestry
Telegraph FireCliff Castle Chopper
Telegraph FireAnna Jeffrey
Telegraph FireUnited States Forest Service
Telegraph FireInciweb
Telegraph Fire Tonto National Forest
Mescal Fire Inciweb
Mescal FireInciweb
Mescal FireInciweb
BILLOWING smoke from wildfires in the Globe-Winkelman-Superior area ADOT
Telegraph FireCliff Castle Chopper
Telegraph FireCliff Castle Chopper
Telegraph FireCliff Castle Chopper
Telegraph FireCliff Castle Chopper
The Pinal Mountains burning amid Telegraph Fire, as seen from Globe.Carol Montgomery
Telegraph FireU.S. Forest Service
Telegraph Fire ABC15
Telegraph Fire U.S. Forest Service
Telegraph FireU.S. Forest Service