
Meet Robert Cannon of CDO High School

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KGUN 9 On Your Side and Arizona Athletics are proud to present the nominees for the 2017 Circle K Outstanding High School Faculty Award.

Meet Robert Cannon of Canyon Del Oro High school. Mr. Cannon teaches Theater Arts.

"I love to be busy. No two days are the same. They're not the same. They come in eager and ready to go. They want to work on projects; they want to be busy."  

Cannon has a passion for theater, and his students can't get enough of his class.
"Some the kids actually come to school just for my class. Just makes me feel fantastic, " said Mr. Cannon.

Behind the scenes, you will find lots of props and plenty of costumes as well.

"Shelves and shelves of costumes. There are wigs, ties, belts. It's 40 to 50 years worth of stuff, " said Cannon.

Those costumes are not only used during class. Mr. cannon keeps his students busy and entertained by putting on several plays a year.

Mr. Cannon says he feels honored to be one nine finalists nominated for the 2017 Circle K Teacher of the Year Award.  

"It's great to be recognized. I really appreciated my principals for nominating me. I'm surprised. It's great! I'm just a guy doing theater," said Cannon.