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SCOTUS will reconsider case involving business owner who refuses to serve gay couples

The woman is challenging the same law challenged in 2018.
Supreme Court

The Supreme Court will reconsider a case involving a web designer in Colorado who refuses to serve same-sex couples.

Lorie Smith wants to expand her business and design wedding websites.

She wants to post a statement on her website about her beliefs, saying creating websites for same-sex couples is contrary to her faith.

She has not expanded her business, due to a Colorado law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Smith argues that the law violates her free speech and religious rights.

The Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal threw out Smith’s legal challenge last year.

Now the Supreme Court plans to look at the case but says it will only look at the free speech issue.

Smith’s case challenges the same law that was argued in 2018, when a Colorado baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple.

The high court said the Colorado Civil Rights Commission had acted with anti-religious bias against the baker, Jack Phillips.

However, the high court did not rule on whether a business can refuse service to people of the LGBTQ community based on religious beliefs.

Smith’s case will likely be argued in the fall.