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Video shows moments before vehicle-pedestrian crash in Tucson

Pedestrian-Vehicle crash in Tucson
Posted 12:18 AM, Sep 14, 2022

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Dash camera footage shows the moments before a pedestrian was hit by a vehicle in Tucson. The pedestrian can be seen crossing the road illegally by failing to use a proper crosswalk.

"Drivers have to start preparing for people to be in the roadways where they are not supposed to be," said Sgt. David Brotherton with the Tucson Police Department Traffic Investigations Unit.

The scene captured on video isn't an isolated incident. So far in 2022, Tucson Police have responded to 29 pedestrian fatalities. That's 10 more than what was reported at this time last year.

"Of our 29 fatalities this year, 25 of those fatalities, the pedestrian was in the wrong," said Brotherton.

Brotherton said jaywalking is the number one factor in pedestrian deaths.

"I'm not going to lie, I've even done it before in my life. I was in a hurry but I also look both ways," said Tucson resident, Bobbie Cazares.

The locations where pedestrians have been hit and killed, this year, are spread out throughout Tucson. It's proof that this type of tragedy can happen anywhere.

"If you're driving down the road at night, you need to be prepared for a pedestrian to be in the roadway where they are not supposed to be. Nobody wants the horrendous effect of having a body come through their windshield," said Brotherton.