TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Homecoming weekend at the University of Arizona has officially kicked off.
The Wildcats will face the USC Trojans for the homecoming game on Saturday at 4 p.m. at Arizona Stadium.
Homecoming events started on Thursday night but there is one tradition that won’t be returning.
The parade was last held in 2019 and it was canceled the last two years due to the pandemic. It won't be happening this year either.
The University of Arizona says they want to cater to students and evolve with them.
“Homecoming is a 100 plus year of traditions. We really look at how things change every year we want to meet our community, students and alum at where they are at. With the lack of participation over the years and students want to engage so much differently— we are meeting them where they are at," Marc Acuña, Senior Director of Alumni & Student Engagement.
Thursday night was the Lighting of “A” Mountain which kicks off the week of festivities. Friday night is the homecoming bonfire in front of Old Main where the 2022 homecoming queen and king will be crowned.
During the game, the class of 1972 will celebrate their 50-year class reunion.
There is also the FREE Wildcat for Life Tailgate on the mall before the game where anyone can go.
For game day tickets click here. For a list of homecoming events, click here.
Brooke Chau is a reporter for KGUN 9. She was a part of Fresno State's newscast, Fresno State Focus and interned at KFSN-ABC30 in Fresno, CA before coming to KGUN 9. Share your story ideas and important issues with Brooke by emailing brooke.chau@kgun9.com or by connecting on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.