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U of A Professors unite moms and scientists to fight climate change

U of A Professors unite moms and scientists to fight climate change
Posted 11:54 PM, Apr 29, 2022
and last updated 12:03 AM, Apr 30, 2022

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — A group of climate scientists who are also moms have binded together to stop climate change. Their goal is to encourage other moms to do the same.

Joellen Russell has studied the effects of climate change on our oceans for more than 30 years. Kathy Jacobs helped build Arizona’s water management system and helps policymakers respond to the changing climate.

“Water is so critical to literally everything, it’s what drives the whole climate cycle, it's what supports the entire ecosystem, and it supports all of humanity,” Jacobs said.

Both women are professors and accomplished climate scientists, but the thing that unites them is being a mom. They're passionate about preventing pollution, drought, and natural disasters for generations to come.

“One of my grand babies will tug me on the sleeve and say ‘Grandma why didn’t you do something when it would’ve made a difference?’" Russell said.

That’s why they launched an organization called Science Moms in January of 2021. It’s a group of 11 moms who are also climate scientists. Their helping moms get the facts straight about climate change: it’s real, it’s human-caused, it’s harming people now, but it’s solvable.

“Working together is really empowering," Jacobs said. "What we really hope we’re going to do is help women understand that they not only can be but have to be part of the solution.”

This year the group ran educational ads throughout the country, calling 85 million American mothers to take action. They’re asking moms to swap out wasteful habits, share the facts on climate change with friends and family, and speak up.

“If I can talk to moms, regular folks," Russell said. "We just need to bend that curve so we can make a better future for our kids, and keep that grand baby from tugging on my sleeve.”

Click here to learn more about Science Moms.