TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — "Congratulations council member Uhlich," Tucson Mayor, Regina Romero said after a vote to confirm a new council member.
The council's decision: unanimous.
Karin Uhlich will fill the vacancy left after Paul Durham's resignation from the Tucson City Council in February.
"The pandemic has had very serious impacts to community health, families, workers, small businesses." Uhlich said.
She served on the Council in the same seat from 2005 to 2017.
She said she was recommended to the position by the now former Councilman Durham.
Two other candidates pitched their credentials to the council, with four others either withdrawing or not showing up to the special meeting on Monday.
Uhlich spoke about fixing roads, the city budget and other issues for which she'll be part of the process to approve or reject.
"I would hope to join as a colleague who could help our community make progress together."
She agreed not to seek another term if selected, a condition given to every applicant.
The City's Attorney said the question of how long she'll serve remains on the council will be up to the State's highest court.
"We're awaiting a Supreme Court decision that will affect, one way or another, the balance of that term. Under our charter, the balance of the term, as it exists right now, will be until December of 2021," Mike Rankin said.
Uhlich will be on the Council for their next meeting on March 9th.