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The hidden dangers of hot tub electrocution: Experts say safety first

Posted at 2:09 PM, Jun 21, 2024

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — A man died after being electrocuted in a hot tub while staying at a resort in Rocky Point.

The video of the electrocution went viral across the country and now, the focus is on the importance of safety when it comes to electricity and water. TJ Johnson, the aquatics manager for the City of Tucson, said electrocution in pools or hot tubs is extremely rare. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there have only been 33 deaths nationwide since 2002.

"When it comes to electrocution, we talk to our guards," he said. "We tell them about not leaving extension cords lying around near the pool."

In the case of the hot tub, the electric current is running through the water but the people trying to help were using an aluminum pole to try to get the man out of the hot tub. Roberto Jimenez from Northwest Fire District said the first step is to turn off the power.

"Because if you don't secure the power, the electricity is going to be constantly moving," he said.

Officials said faulty wiring either on the hot tubs or the appliances nearby could be the cause of electrocution. The investigation into the hot tub electrocution is ongoing.