TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — In just under two weeks Vail will vote on what the future of the town between the tracks is.
Incorporation is on the ballot once again, and neighborhoods outside of the main housing developments are concerned about becoming part of a city.
Karen Bazinet lives in Whetstone Ranch and loves hanging out with her horses.

“This is our mare Sadie, and that’s our gelding Zeke,” she said.
She fears incorporation could change zoning laws.
"We’re not the city, we are rural," Bazinet said.
She lives seven miles away from the growing developments north of the highway.
“If they want to incorporate go for it. But leave us alone," Bazinet said.
While incorporation includes her, she fears it could exclude the horses.
“We’re zoned to be rural, we’re allowed to have livestock, we’re allowed to have horses. They could change all of that," Bazinet said.
She’s one of many in southern Vail who oppose incorporation.

Her neighbor Dennis Luebbert is also voting no on Prop 402.
He says previous incorporation props have failed twice before and he doesn’t get why it’s back on the ballot again.
“I would like to see limitations on this so we don’t have to keep fighting this every few years," Luebbert said.

This neighborhood isn’t the only one on the outskirts of Vail which was added to the incorporation map.
The Pistol Hill community also ended up on the map.
Katie Breeding and John Sargent have lived here for decades, claiming they never agreed to be part of the new city.

Cacti and dirt roads surround their properties.
“They’ve never given us a reason why they want to incorporate this area," Sargent said.
Breeding also doesn’t believe her property can be legally incorporated.
“So there’s a statute, ARS 9-101 and section 'F' on that says 'an area to be incorporated should be urban in nature, it should not include uninhabited, rural, or farm lands,'" Breeding said.
“We out here thought we're pretty rural. There’s land north were they have farmland and run cattle. They have us on their incorporation map and we believe it’s against state statutes," She said.
MaRico Tippett is the Vice President of Incorporate Vail Arizona (IVA).

He says becoming a city will give the community local control.
“Anytime you have a government closest to you, that’s the one that will be more responsive and have the most effect on the lives of the residents," Tippett said.
He says the board has no plans to exclude Sadie and Zeke from incorporation.
“We have to create a general plan, and in that general plan the idea would be that all current zoning would be grandfathered," Tippett said. "So there wouldn’t be a change.”
As for Breeding’s complaint that her property can’t be incorporated, Tippett says they considered all laws when drawing the map.
“We have kept in lines with the intent and letter of the law when it comes to urban versus rural.”
Lastly, adding he recognizes the new divide in the town between the tracks and hopes everyone can get along after the election.
“Whether we decide to incorporate or now, we’re all going to have to come together and decide how to govern our community," Tippett said.
The election is November 7.
Adam Klepp is a reporter for KGUN 9. At his previous station in Yuma, Adam focused on a range of local issues including the border, water rights and healthcare. He is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and attended both Loyola University Chicago and Syracuse University. Share your story ideas and important issues with Adam by emailing adam.klepp@kgun9.com or by connecting on Twitter.