SIERRA VISTA, Ariz. (KGUN) — Excitement filled the crisp air at the Good Neighbor Alliance homeless shelter in Sierra Vista, as four men piled into a work van and headed to work. They didn't know where they were going or what they might have encountered, but none the less, the men were thrilled.
They exited the van in the middle of state-owned land. The only structure on the plot was constructed with scraps of wood and from it's tenet after they were evicted. Surrounding the shelter was trash, needles, clothes and other waste.
The four men got about a five minute briefing and started clearing the trash. Within an hour, the area occupying the leftovers from three homeless people was clean and garbage free.
When one campsite was done, it was onto the next.
Three of the four men are homeless and the fourth just received housing earlier this week — for the first time in three and half years.
“It [was a] little depressing [coming out here] cause I was out here for three and half years," Jason Millins shared. "With the help of Good Neighbor Alliance, with the help of the housing program, with the help of the Better Works program [they're] giving me a fresh start."
Better Works, a program of Better Bucks Program Sierra Vista, is a partnership with the City of Sierra Vista which provides jobs to homeless men and women.
"Letting me start all over and helping me out," he added. "Showing me that I don’t want to turn back here.”
After every four hour shift, the group is paid in cash for their work. Better Bucks Board President Scott Borgstadt said this is a job for these men and women and they're compensated like anyone with a job is. He added, the program is grant funded, which is where the payment money comes from.
“People that want to get a leg up and they really want to get back to society and do — you know serve and help and do their best," Anthony Grasper said. "It’s like we need opportunities like this. Cause you come in sometimes and and you’re looked at like you’re the same as someone out here doing needles or something like that.”
Borgstadt noted that anyone who is in the Housing Management Information System is eligible for the program, but those who are interested must fill out an application. Applications are available at Good Neighbor Alliance in Sierra Vista.
The Better Works program is under the Better Bucks non profit, which provided money to the homeless that can only be spent at local businesses. The concept allows people to give money to panhandlers and know it'll be spent on necessities.
For more information visit their website.
Alexis Ramanjulu is a reporter in Cochise County for KGUN 9. She began her journalism career reporting for the Herald/Review in Sierra Vista, which she also calls home. Share your story ideas with Alexis by emailing or by connecting on Facebook.