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Scammers trying to use 2020 Census to get personal info: Here's what to watch out for!

Posted 1:20 PM, Feb 07, 2020
and last updated 1:22 PM, Feb 07, 2020

The 2020 Census offers not only a look at the country but a potential moneymaker for scammers. They are already at it, as the Census recruits the thousands of staff members needed to go door to door.

They're posting online or social media claiming to be a part of the Census, but asking you to pay to apply or for training.

This is a dead giveaway that it is a scam!

Federal agencies will never charge application fees and you'd get the training and equipment you need from the agency.

To be safe visit the Census website directly to apply - That's Census.Gov

Now, what about the survey itself? Could someone be coming to your door and how much information should you be sharing?

The Census will start taking information in March. You should get a letter in the mail - or hand-delivered in some cases - inviting you to complete the survey online, by phone or by mail.

You can tell it's the real deal by the return address. It should be from Jeffersonville, Indiana. That's where the Census's processing center is located.

If you don't complete the survey by May, that is when someone could come to your door. If they do, they will have a valid Census Bureau ID badge.

Keep in mind that they should never ask you for your full Social Security Number or payment of any kind including bank account or credit card information.

If you're unsure if you're completing the right survey, or if the person is really with the Census you can visit the Census Website HERE or contact your regional office