Tomorrow Safe Kids Pima County and community partners will host their 10th annual water safety reward event for first graders who completed a state drowning prevention curriculum.
From 9:30 a.m. to 1:10 p.m. at Pascua Yaqui Wellness Center, graduates of "Water Safety is for YOU!" will receive their awards and visit stations that reinforce drowning prevention messages that they've learned in the classroom.
690 first graders participated in the program, with the guidance of 30 teachers, local first responders, hospitals and the water safety community.
The program's consistent message is the ABC's of water safety: Adult supervision, Barriers around the pool, and swim Classes.
Drowning is the number one cause of unintentional death for kids ages one to four years-old. In Pima County for 2017, there were five pediatric water incidents; two of those were fatal.