KGUN 9News


Troopers seek van driver in hit and run death

Posted 12:06 PM, Jul 24, 2017
and last updated 2:02 AM, Jul 25, 2017

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - A hit and run killed a man on Oracle Road early Monday morning.

State Troopers stopped the pickup that hit the man first.  Now they are looking for a white minivan that left the scene too.

It was early, about 12:45am. The man was walking south on Oracle Road---in the right lane, not on the shoulder.

He was near the intersection with Rudasill when a pick up truck hit him.  Then a white Minivan hit him too.

They both kept driving.

People in law enforcement say drivers who stay and co operate with an investigation may find it was not their fault.

Trooper Erik Auchincloss says, “My recommendation would be for people to stop anytime something happens so we can just figure out the details and the facts and find out what happened."

But if someone leaves the scene of an accident, that is a crime regardless of how the accident happened.

The death that happened on Oracle is just the latest in a long string of auto pedestrian incidents.

Investigators suggest distracted drivers, and distracted pedestrians are driving accidents up.

Pedestrian accidents are less common on the high speed state highways and Interstates State Troopers usually patrol but DPS still had 29 pedestrian fatalities statewide last year.

Pedestrians accidents are more common on city streets like Tucson's.  TPD alone already has 16 pedestrian fatalities for the year, and half of those were hit and runs.