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Neighbors oppose 'no parking' signs placed near projected 5G tower in midtown

Posted 5:56 AM, Jun 04, 2021
and last updated 3:02 PM, Jun 04, 2021

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — A new 5G tower will be going up at 5th avenue and Longfellow.

"Nobody on our cul-de-sac got a notice, it's a half a block away," midtown resident, Cecilia Romine said.

People who live near where it will be aren't happy.

"I'm less than 300 feet, I'm in the very next cul-de-sac, second house approaching Longfellow," another midtown resident, Sarah Salazar said.


"From the very beginning, we were never met with 'hey, do you have questions?'

These neighbors made a point of expressing their disapproval by setting up a canopy, placing signs and telling anyone who will notice: we don't want 5G in their neighborhood.

The group said contractors took notice.

"This was a very passive aggressive way of saying we're coming in," Salazar said, pointing to 'no parking' signs placed on the block.

"There were no notices that they were going to put up temporary 'no parking' signs," Romine said.

What appear to be temporary signs placed on a block with no set parking restrictions.

"It's not a 'no parking' spot at all, there's no signs."

These folks worry their vehicles could be a casualty of their effort to express their opposition to a 5G tower.

"It seems as though the next step is going to be that they're going to tow us to try to move it," Romine said.

Ultimately, they said, communication from Verizon, the company building the tower and a telecommunication company themselves, was anything but good.

"This is what you're doing, you're going to deal with it and you have no say," Salazar said.

The neighbors said they'll continue to oppose this project even if all signs indicate a tower will inevitably be placed on the corner.

"They're going to proceed without any regard to the concerns of the actual citizens, residents that are in the neighborhood that they are just placing these towers," Salazar said.