TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — “When I first walked in, I walked upstairs and looked from the top and I saw all the tools and everything, it’s really mind-blowing,” student Kyle James recalls the moments he walked into the Pima Community College’s Automotive Technology and Innovation Center.
The 50,000 square foot facility is a one-of-a-kind building at the college. Automotive instructor Roman Carrillo says, “We just partnered with Ford, with asset training. We got a Ford instructor on campus now.”

He has been a part of this program since day one. “It’s very rewarding because I was a student back in the day many many years ago, so I’ve been through the program and now I’m helping build the program.”
The program offers students a certificate or an associate degree in automotive technology. Carrillo says, “We offer 15 classes all the way from small engine technology all the way up to engine rebuilding, air conditioning.”

Student Samuel Miller plans to move through the program as quickly as possible. He says, “This station is 7 stations and I plan to do a station a week, so about 7 weeks for this course.”
For many, their passion for automotive technology started as a hobby. Miller says, “I have worked on my car and my parents car all my life. I just knew I wanted to do this the minute I saw the program.”

For others like James, he hopes to make it his career. “I hope to become a mechanic and I hope to work for a good company like Porsche,” says James.
This is the second year of the year program in the new building and they are currently at the cap of their enrollment.
Carrillo says, “Everything is hands on in our building. It’s all individual learning.” It’s what has enticed students like James and Miller to enroll at PCC. “I’m glad I picked PCC,” says James.

Heidi Alagha is an anchor and reporter for KGUN 9. Heidi spent 5 years as the morning anchor in Waco where she was named the best anchor team by the Texas Associated Press. Share your story ideas and important issues with Heidi by emailing heidi.alagha@kgun9.com or by connecting on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.