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Man arrested for threatening Congresswoman Martha McSally

Posted 9:24 PM, May 15, 2017
and last updated 12:30 AM, May 16, 2017

A man was arrested Friday for threatening United States Congresswoman Martha McSally.

According to a U.S. District Court Complaint, Steve Martan made three phone calls to the office of McSally which included threatening statements to the Congresswoman from May 2, 2017 to May 10, 2017.

Martan is a Tucson Unified School District employee and works as a campus monitor at Miles Exploratory School according to spokeswoman Stefanie Boe. 

Boe said Martan is on home assignment as the district investigates. 

The first voice message said:

Yeah this is for Martha McSally, and if I could ring your f*****g neck. You need to get back to where you came from and leave Arizona.

The second voice message said:

Yeah Martha, our sights are set on you, right between your f*****g eyes. Be careful when you come back to Tucson cause we hate you here, okay. Can't wait to f*****g pull the trigger b***h.

The third voice message said:

Yeah Martha, your days are numbered.

The congressional office used their called identification and Verizon Wireless Subscriber information to determine that Martan was the source of the phone calls.

Authorities were able to locate Martan, and he admitted that he made the calls, stating that he was venting frustrations with McSally's congressional votes in support of the President of the United States.

The Congresswoman issued the following release in regards to the threatening phone calls.

"We should always be mindful that the words we use and the tone we use matter. This is a tough political time we live in and it's important for us to have robust political discussions - we should disagree and have a healthy dabate. If we disagree, great. That's part of our democratic process. But we cannot ever tolerate threats of violence, especially against an elected official. That crosses the line." 
"In this case we have someone who used specific threats to violence."