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JTED program prepares next generation of first responders

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TUCSON, Ariz. — For the past ten years, a local high school program has been training hundreds of the next generation of police officers, firefighters and EMTs.

JTED Law and Public Safety is an after school program that runs for 10 months out of the year. The students are getting hands on training from learning how to finger print to arresting someone and holding a firearm properly.

The students get to see all that it takes to be a first responder.

"You're not going to spend a bunch of money going to a university or time in that matter on something you've never been exposed too," Robb Fountain, law and public safety instructor, said.

Fountain said the class is similar to how a police academy is run, which means many of the students will go on to serve and protect a community.

"We do scenarios here where they are stressful, like stress inducing, for a good reason because that's what a police officer is going to go through," JTED student Sebastian Shibuya said.