In all, 105 people have started the process of filing compensation claims for being illegally detained when then-Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio disobeyed a 2011 court order barring his immigration patrols.
Taxpayers are on the hook for compensating those who were illegally detained and turned over to federal immigration authorities in patrols that Arpaio later acknowledged prolonging from December 2011 and late May 2013.
The Arizona Republic reports the Centro De Los Derechos Del Migrante, a binational labor rights organization, is working to find victims in Mexico as part of an outreach campaign by BrownGreer, a Richmond, Virginia, law firm in charge of administering the compensation fund.
The victims may qualify for $500 to $10,000 in compensation under the $500,000 fund set aside by Maricopa County.