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Gov. Hobbs signs off on funding for Arizona Schools for the Deaf and Blind


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TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs signed off on funding for the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind Monday after the state legislature shortened the terms of the funding typically granted to the schools.

“The Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (ASDB) is a cornerstone of the visually impaired and Deaf and hard of hearing communities in Arizona,” said Hobbs in a press release.

“The ASDB community has been treated with disrespect and was not given equal access to participate in the legislative process. I encourage the Legislature to reflect on the passage of HB2456 and send me a bill next session that includes a full eight-year continuation.”

KGUN 9 previously spoke with community members concerned about the shortened funding period.

"It seems like it’s becoming more of a political football being played with the lives of a little over 2,200 children with sensory disabilities across the state," PV Jantz told KGUN 9. Jantz himself is deaf and has a child enrolled at ASDB.

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