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Gas prices pumped up again

Some drivers assume prices will eventually fall

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — It’s a story that affects the price of moving through our world. It’s gas prices. They are up again.

Does it sometimes seem like you might as well just burn money directly in your car? That’s the way it seems to be going for people the way gas prices are rising. But the question is does that change how you live your life?”

Melanie Hughson says, “We've been with the prices living with the prices but it's not good. Gotta change.”

Reporter Craig Smith asked: Is this the kind of thing where you've given up something somewhere else? So you keep driving?

Hughson: “Yeah, we'll be more careful. Yeah, we gotta be more careful with everything we do.”

Analysts say we are caught once again in the swings of the worldwide oil market, with OPEC cutting supply to raise what it can bring in per barrel of crude.

Soaring gas prices can be a sore spot but what choice do you have beyond figuring out some way to adjust.

If burning gas powers your income, higher prices can be a special burden. Tonietta Flores works as a ride share driver. She has to consider miles per gallon, dollars received per ride and dollars paid out for gas.

“For me $2.99 you know, would be a good price, but now we're, you know, just trying to put food on the table so we're doing what we can do. And you know, sometimes on a given day, I may look at my app and be like, I didn't really make any money because I put this much in for gas.”

But Paul Schinder sees gas prices as one of life’s ups and downs that will go down eventually.

“I don't really drive a lot of miles as a whole. So it hasn't affected me dramatically. If I was commuting a great distance I could see where someone might want to limit their driving, but if I want to go on a trip, I'm still gonna go.”
