TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — According to the State Bar of Arizona, the state experiences nearly twice the national average number of evictions.
And for renters facing legal disputes with landlords in court—the State Bar says it's a rarity for renters to have legal representation.
In an attempt to provide some relief for renters, the State Bar is offering free 30-minute consultations with attorneys on March 21 from 4 - 7 p.m.
The clinic will be held virtually over Zoom for tenants looking to ask questions or fill out forms. The sessions are held by appointment only.
Email FindALawyer@staff.azbar.org or call (602) 340-7293 to schedule an appointment.

Anne Simmons is the digital executive producer for KGUN 9. Anne got her start in television while still a student at the University of Arizona. Before joining KGUN, she managed multiple public access television stations in the Bay Area and has worked as a video producer in the non-profit sector. Share your story ideas and important issues with Anne by emailing anne.simmons@kgun9.com or by connecting on Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.