Before moving out to Tucson, Alex Rodriguez used to work for the Pentagon. Months before the attack, he says he decided to move to Arizona to advance his career.
"I felt awkward. I felt helpless. I felt a need to be able to serve."
From nearly 2,000 miles away, Rodriguez said was looking at the events unfold without being able to help.
189 people died in the attack. 64 in the plane, including 5 hijackers and 125 in the pentagon.
The day of the attack Rodriguez also spoke with KGUN 9 regarding what he was seeing happen and how the Pentagon could never have prepared for an attack of this caliber.
"This day is a somber day of remembrance of 9/11. But what is also true and important is the great resolve and resiliency the American public has and teaching our youth and future generations about the importance and significance of 9/11 is vital to the future of our country."