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Prop 314 on the ballot- what you need to know

Prop 314, also known as the Arizona Immigration and Border Law Enforcement Measure or House Concurrent Resolution 2060 (HCR 2060)

TUCSON, ARIZ. (KGUN) — Arizonans will get to vote in November on Proposition 314 that would make it a state crime to cross the southern Mexico border illegally.

Republican lawmakers feel it is necessary to create a secure border. In a written statement by Republic Senator Warren Petersen, he noted "We’re grateful voters will have the opportunity to take matters into their own hands after the President, Vice President, Congress, and Arizona’s Governor all failed to protect our citizens from the open border chaos. We should reward those who seek the legal path to citizenship, and we should discourage those who want to break our laws..."

Maurice Goldman is an immigration attorney, explaining "traditionally, federal law has always trumped state law, when it came to anything immigration based."

But, this proposition goes against that. It would allow state officials to arrest anyone that crosses the border illegally. It would also allow state courts to order deportations.

The proposition would worsen the punishment for fentanyl sales. In addition, it would make it a state crime to submit false papers to get government benefits.

“In my perspective this bill wasn’t actually written to be passed as is, because we know it’s going to go to the courts. I think it was written to send a message to the community of Arizona and I think that message is to immigrants- that they’re not welcomed here," said Carolina Silva, Executive Director of ScholarshipsA-Z.

Prop 314 has similar language to SB 1070 that was signed in 2010 by Gov. Jan Brewer.

The United States Supreme Court eventually ruled against three of the four provisions in 2012. Overall, they ruled that majority of the bill was preempted by federal immigration laws.

KGUN 9 will be livestreaming the following local and state debates:

  • US House CD 6: 09/17
  • US House CD 7: 09/18
  • Prop 314 Immigration Enforcement: 09/19
  • Abortion Access Act: 10/01
  • US Senate: 10/09