KGUN 9NewsLocal Elections 2024


Large fleet of aircraft support Kamala Harris border visit

Air Force Two—and more

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — More than one aircraft was involved with Vice President Harris' visit to Arizona. Because she’s a sitting Vice President there was a fleet of aircraft passing through Tucson International.

With Arizona very much in play in this campaign. We’ve had a lot of visits. Not long ago it was a VIP aircraft bringing Donald Trump and now Kamala Harris.

Air Force Two arrived shortly after one pm. It’s a military version of the Boeing 757, officially called a C-32.

The Air Force has four planes like this. They are set aside for the Vice President, the First Lady and senior officials like cabinet officers.

Besides a private stateroom for the official passenger, it includes special secure communications equipment the Vice President might use if required.

About two weeks ago Donald Trump used his own 757 for a Tucson campaign visit.

Vice President Harris has more than Air Force Two for her Arizona visit. As a sitting Vice President, also headed to tour Douglas she had a larger logistics footprint.

We saw several Marine Corps rotorcraft including two large helicopters, most likelya version of the CH-53 and three MH-22 Osprey tilt rotors.

There was a C-130 as well as twoC-17 cargo planesof the sort sometimes used to transport armored limousines. Campaigns are supposed to reimburse the government when they use military aircraft like Air Force Two for campaigning.

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