BISBEE, Ariz. (KGUN) — Colleen Crowlie wanted to make the historic churches in Bisbee more accessible to the community and tourists.
“It seems like the finest architecture in Bisbee is very seldom seen by most of the public,” she said.
Crowlie worked with eight of the historic churches in the greater Bisbee area to create a self-guided tour which leads people through the city and different churches.
“It’s important to have a church tour because they were very important in making community and binding people together so they could help others,” Crowlie said.
The churches will take visitors back in time through their stain-glass windows and architecture. Crowlie said each of the windows have a different story, like the people who built them.
“Especially since people were immigrants. So, they didn’t have their families as much. So, they were very comforted by their church," she said.
One of the reasons Crowlie wanted to have create an event like this, is because she likes to hear the stories of the churches.
“What I like about it, is there’s such a difference in the different kind of glass in the church," she said. "This is painted windows. Some of the most sophisticated painted windows I’ve ever seen.”
The other reason Crowlie, wanted to give people an opportunity to see these historic buildings, is because of the fires in Douglas that destroyed two historic churches.
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“That made having this tour even more important because it was sad that nobody is ever going to see those churches,” she said.
These churches are part of the tour:
- St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church
- St. John’s Episcopal Church
- First United Methodist Church of Bisbee
- Covenant Presbyterian Church
- St. Stephen Nemanja Serbian Church
- Community Church of Warren
- Trinity United Methodist Church
- First Baptist Church of Bisbee
“When we forget our past, it could be detrimental to the future," Vice President of the Cochise County Historical Society Craig McEwan said. "It’s just a really good thing for people to come on a tour like this and see history in action.”
The self-guided tour is Saturday, Oct. 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Each church will have an event happening at their location for visitors.
Alexis Ramanjulu is a reporter in Cochise County for KGUN 9. She began her journalism career reporting for the Herald/Review in Sierra Vista, which she also calls home. Share your story ideas with Alexis by emailing or by connecting on Facebook.