TUCSON, AZ — The Sonoran Corridor may still be in the planning stages but it's already getting attention on the east side.
"I don't think it's a bad idea to add highways or freeways in the area, it could make the commute a little bit better."
Josh Krautzer lives near the I-10 and says a new corridor could ease congestion on the roads.
The Arizona Department of Transportation says they are currently three recommended corridords on the table, as well as a no-build option.
The first two begin at Rita Road. One option joins I-10 at the San Xavier District and the other at El Toro Road, just south of Sahuarita Road.
The other recommended corridor would start at Houghton and also end at El Toro Road.
"Especially with more people in the are it could reduce commute times."
ADOT projects the population as well as job growth will continue rising in the Tucson metro area.
So far, the project remains as a Tier 1 study that will continue until the Spring of 2020.
The next step would be a Tier 2 environmental study, where ADOT and the Federal Highway Administration will examine the impact to intersections and off-ramps for each of the recommended corridors.
"Usually when we go down that way, to be honest I take the freeway right now. I'll take the freeway because then we might stop at costco or something but then I end up going all the way down and around I-19."
ADOT is accepting comments from the public until April, 7. In order to participate visit their website.