TUCSON, Ariz. - Career and technical education classes are typically known for being very hands-on, but this year, just like everything else, that has changed. Despite that, instructors at Pima JTED are moving forward with the first ever Fall Tech Camp.
“It’s definitely different in the sense of having to maneuver and tweak things to be more virtually friendly, I guess you could say," said Dr. Raquel Martin, a Naturopathic Physician and Comprehensive Healthcare Technician at Pima JTED.
Dr. Martin will be a part of the first ever Fall Tech Camp, and will be teaching them about the medical pathway.
“The students in my class are learning about phlebotomy, they’re gonna become EKG technicians, they’re gonna learn EHR, also known as EMR which is just patient charting," said Dr. Martin.
The tech camp was created to expose eighth and ninth grade students across Pima County to medical, engineering, and culinary art pathways.
The camp is a two-day event, which will take place on October 12 and 13.
“It’s really just an introduction and a sampling and hopefully they’ll want more and they’ll fight and when they hit the age and get into that grade level they’ll take on some of those programs that we have," said Dr. Martin.
Cari Buson, who works with Pima JTED, will be running the Fall Tech Camp. She told KGUN9 that it's extremely important to expose younger students to all of the opportunities Pima JTED has to offer.
“This kind of gives them an idea before they sign up for classes, what they’re really getting into and the possibilities and potential after high school to take these courses," she said.
The camp is available for all eighth and ninth graders across Pima County. You can find more information here.