TUCSON, Ariz. — Medical students at the University of Arizona College of Medicine are helping Tucson’s homeless population during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The students are volunteering at Z Mansion, a popular downtown wedding venue that doubles as a soup kitchen for the homeless on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
Since the start of the outbreak, there has been a drop in the number of regular volunteers since the onslaught of the pandemic, medical student Christian Bergman said.
"Paster Tom mentioned he was worried about the upcoming pandemic and how it would affect the homeless here in Tucson," Bergman said. "They don’t have many resources to begin with, including being able to easily quarantine themselves in their own homes."
The students set up tents to act as a field hospital to treat the homeless that may be infected.
"We kind of took the regular feeling project where we were providing basic medical care, food, vet serves and made it into this new kind place where we can treat the homeless who would not get treatment otherwise," Medical student Christopher Vance said.
The students work seven days a week, morning and night.
They have an Amazon wishlist going to get more supplies to keep the operation going.