TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — As millions of Americans head to vaccine sites to get the COVID-19 vaccine, your vaccination card has become more important than ever. So what do you do if you lose or damage your card? K
Crystal Rambaud manages the county vaccination program and says they have a process in place.
"For people who lose their vaccine cards, they can go back the person or site who originally vaccinated them and they can ask that administrator for a replacement record," she said.
But what if you need to get your second shot at a new vaccine point-of-distribution? Rambaud says you can just call the county at 520-724-7770 to get the ball rolling on a replacement. You will need to provide your name, vaccine site and date of birth along with a piece of mail or ID to verify your identity.
"For people who have gotten vaccine out of state that might be a more difficult process, but we can try to help them," she said. "If it’s a site that you don’t go to regularly or you’re not sure how to contact them, this is a way to get a replacement without having to figure out what that process might be."
VACCINE CARDS: What you need to know
It’s also a good idea to take a picture of your card with your cell phone or scan it on your computer to keep a good copy. When it comes to laminating the card, you might want to hold off on that because booster shots might be needed in the future. However, if you do choose to laminate your card double-check your information for accuracy.
"Pretty much everybody that has been vaccinated in the state should be in our state database," Rambaud said. "That’s how they’re tracking all of our vaccination information and how they’re tracking our coverage rates."
According to the Better Business Bureau, you should never share your COVID-19 vaccine card on social media. Nowadays scammers are stealing information and selling fake COVID-19 vaccine cards on Ebay, TikTok and other websites.
For more information about getting a replacement vaccine card, you can email the Pima County Health Department at HEOCVaccineRecords@pima.gov, call their hotline at (520)-724-7770 or get a head start by filling out this vaccination replacement card form from the AZDHS.