KGUN 9NewsCoronavirus


Businesses and political leaders discuss effect of COVID-19 measures on Tucson economy

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TUCSON, Ariz — Tucson Mayor Regina Romero, flanked by business and political leaders, said Monday, she's keeping her eye on relief packages coming out of Washington D.C..

Romera cited relief packages for the public safety and healthcare sectors but also a second relief package for businesses across the country.

"I am going to work day and night as the Mayor of the City of Tucson, to work with the state government, Governor Ducey and the federal government and our congressional delegation to tap into those funds as quickly and immediately as we possibly can."

In an effort to help employees of those businesses that could be affected, Vice-Mayor and City Councilman, Paul Cunninham, said they might consider options for people who are renting in Tucson.

"We are going to recommend to the Justice Courts that we suspend evictions for the next 45 days so that nobody, if worse comes to worst and we do have to truly, truly hunker down, we don't anyone being evicted in that time," Cunningham said.

The city is recommending social-distancing and limited public gatherings at least until April 1st.

Cunningham said that could affect planned events.

"We definitely are going to have some type of discussion within the city about Tucson Convention Center and an abbreviated schedule as major events can be held."