TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Other than the noise coming from the road, neighbors say it's an area that doesn't see much crime.
“That’s honestly really scary. It’s a really quiet neighborhood, but it’s scary because this is my home," one woman who lives by the intersection, said. She wished to remain anonymous.
Part of the intersection of Ajo and Kinney was taped off as sheriff's deputies were on scene for hours Thursday evening.
They say a road rage incident escalated to the murder of 56-year-old Martin Bloom. PCSD accused 77-year-old Robert Ryan of fleeing the scene. They arrested him soon after the shooting and charged him with second-degree murder.

The neighbor told me on the way home she saw all the flashing lights and commotion.
“I sort of came over here being nosy and I could see there was a collision," she said.
Ryan is set to have his initial hearing and bond set on Friday evening.
AAA insurancesays to avoid road rage incidents,don't drive when you're in a rush or upset.
Adam Klepp is a reporter for KGUN 9. At his previous station in Yuma, Adam focused on a range of local issues including the border, water rights and healthcare. He is originally from Detroit, Michigan, and attended both Loyola University Chicago and Syracuse University. Share your story ideas and important issues with Adam by emailing adam.klepp@kgun9.com or by connecting on Twitter.