TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — With her bag blowing in the wind behind her, Abreeza Zeeger picked up trash on Monday at the Enchanted Hills Trailhead on the westside of Tucson. Finding alcohol cans, it wasn’t a surprise to her.
Almost every day you can find her picking up trash in the morning and she said she often finds teens and young adults partying with alcohol and weed.
“I’ve been out here picking up the trash while they’re still out here partying in the morning,” she said.
She said the partying has been going on for thirty years and has involved younger people every weekend for years.
In her neighborhood about a mile away, she said five years ago people drove by her and shot guns.
“Maybe they don’t realize or don’t care that bullets don’t just stop 100 feet. They can travel,” Zegeer said.
She said people have also shot guns on the trailhead and there are holes on visible signs on the trailhead.
In the past two weeks, three people were killed, including a minor in two shootings at the Enchanted Hills Trailhead near 36th Street and Mockingbird Lane.
Now, there are three separate memorials dedicated to the people who died.
This past Saturday the Tucson Police Department said there was a shooting at the trailhead around two thirty in the morning. 20-year-old Jesus Fierro was shot dead. They said 20 year old Freddie Hudson was also shot, saying he was taken to the hospital where he died.
Zegeer said you can still see blood at the trailhead.
“Nobody wants to hear a young man dying in this way,” she said.
Exactly two weeks before, TPD said Keven Yanez Acuñez, who was 17, died near the same trailhead and also around two thirty in the morning. He later died at a nearby hospital.
“I’m saddened that it happened but as one person, I can’t do anything about it,” Zegeer said.
The Tucson Police Department said they’re still looking into these two situations but have not found any information that these two stations are connected. So far they said they have not made any arrests.
TPD said their Southside division is collaborating with Pima County to enhance security measures in the area and have been even before the shootings.
“More patrols out here, basically starting around 10 and coming out every couple of hours,” Zegeer said she’s hoping for.
Andrew Christiansen is a reporter for KGUN 9. Before joining the team, Andrew reported in Corpus Christi, Texas for KRIS6 News, Action 10 News and guest reported in Spanish for Telemundo Corpus Christi. Share your story ideas with Andrew by emailing andrew.christiansen@kgun9.com or by connecting on Facebook, or Twitter.
