TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — The annual Point in Time Count provides a snapshot of the current homeless population in Pima County. This year volunteers started surveying early Wednesday morning to speak with unsheltered people.
“The survey asks all kinds of questions about how long a person has been unsheltered, just basic demographic data. And then it asks some questions about them personally to determine factors that might impact homelessness,” said Claudia Powell, a co-lead of the Point in Time Count.
There are several parts to the survey, including interviewing people who were sheltered. The purpose is to get specific data on the unhoused population at this point in time.
The Point in Time Count is coordinated by the Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness in partnership with the City of Tucson, the Pima County Workforce and Development and the University of Arizona's Southwest Institute for Research on Women.
This year, around 500 people volunteered to help survey. Usually, several groups return from surveying without interviewing anyone. This year, even with more volunteers, everyone kept busy.
“We have a sense that people were doing a lot of interviews across the county. Sometimes in years past, we’ve had groups that didn’t find anybody or people that didn’t interview anybody. We had very few of those this year,” said Powell.
The results of the surveys will be returned to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Funding is allocated based on the results to provide support to communities in Pima County.
Last year's survey showed a 60% increase in homelessness since 2018. This year's survey results are expected to be released in May.
Many groups in Tucson are actively working to find solutions, such as Gospel Rescue Mission. When it comes to outreach, CEO Lisa Chastain describes the approach to be able to help vulnerable populations like the unhoused.
“People that are on the streets, they’re hardened in most cases, they trust nobody, so let’s get over those barriers of building that relationship. We care about your story, everybody has their individual story of what led them to becoming homeless,” she said.
For more information on the Point in Time Count, visit tpch.net/about/point-in-time-count.
Reyna Preciado is a reporter for KGUN 9, she joined the KGUN 9 team in July of 2022 after graduating Arizona State University. Share your story ideas with Reyna by emailing reyna.preciado@kgun9.com or by connecting on Instagram, or Twitter.