TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — TUCSON, Ariz - Vail High School students have a unique opportunity to get an early start on their college careers through the Vail Early College program.
“When I heard about the program, I thought it was amazing, like a head start to my career path," says Ellie Mertes, a senior at Cienega High School.
On its seventh year, the program has tied their highest number of students since 2020.
“Seeing that growth means that students see the benefits that the program offers, because, you know, students go and talk to their peers and their family and friends," says Raylee May, the coordinator of the Vail Early College program.
High school juniors and seniors have the opportunity to take up to 15 credits a semester. May does say that seniors get priority, and juniors are chosen after.
Ellie Mertes' goal is to be a forensic pathologist. She thinks that this program will give her a good chance to realize her dreams.
"If you want to get ahead, succeed, step through the door...I think it's a program for everybody,” says Mertes.
The tuition for the classes is free for all high school students.
Registration for the early college program begins in December and lasts into the new year.
Blake Phillips is a reporter for KGUN 9. Originally from St. Louis, Mo., Blake grew up in Sierra Vista. During his college tenure at the Missouri School of Journalism, Blake worked for the NBC affiliate KOMU-TV in Columbia. He is excited to return to a place he calls home and give back to the community in which he grew up. Share your story ideas and important issues with Blake by emailing blake.phillips@kgun9.com.
