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Tucson of Festival of Books announces new executive director


TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — The Tucson Festival of Books (TFOB) announced the hiring of Abra McAndrew as its executive director. McAndrew is a 21-year resident of Tucson and former assistant vice president of University of Arizona’s Access, Engagement and Opportunity initiatives.

In the role, McAndrew will be responsible for the festival’s day-to-day operations, strategic objectives, and fundraising and will report to its board of directors. TFOB is a nonprofit organization supporting literacy and is a premier community-based celebration of literature presented free of charge each March since 2009 on the UA campus.

“We are thrilled to welcome Abra to the Tucson Festival of Books,” said John M. Humenik, TFOB co-founder and chair of the board of directors. “Abra is a strategic thinker with a track record for creating exceptional programs and impactful results. Her impressive collaborative leadership and career achievements coupled with her passion for the written word is a powerful combination for elevating the festival and the organization to even greater heights going forward.”

McAndrew is a UA graduate with a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Arts in English & Linguistics. She also is a graduate of Smith College with a bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature and is proficient in Spanish.

“The Tucson Festival of Books is a local treasure, also recognized as one of the best literary festivals in the world. I look forward to continued collaboration with colleagues at the University of Arizona as well as with the board, volunteers, staff, and new and existing partners,” McAndrew said. “Together, we’ll ensure a fantastic slate of authors and exhibitors continue to join us for this annual community celebration of literature.”

In her previous leadership roles starting in 2005, McAndrew has been executive director of online program development which launched the UA’s first online bachelor’s degrees.