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Our Family Services offers home for kids in tough situations like homelessness and abuse

“Don’t be scared to reach out. Help is always right next door."

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — As he walked inside of the Reunion House, Klayton Williams remembered staying there about ten years ago when he was 15 years old. At the time, he was fighting with his grandma and was homesick.

“I was able to really think about what was going on, how to help myself get better,” Williams said.

The CEO of Our Family Services, which runs Reunion House, approached him to become a lived-experience board member. Now he’s been in the role for about a year.

“It’s been absolutely terrific being able to help implement new policies and really help better these kids’ lives,” he said.

Reunion House is a home for kids going through tough situations like homelessness or abusive households. However, people like Williams have also used it as a place to reflect.

Reunion House is open to kids ages 12 and up. They will go to a business that is dubbed a "Safe Place” and Our Family Services will pick them up.

Safe Place businesses have a bright yellow sticker displayed that lets kids know they can refer them to Reunion House.

“It’s amazing to see how these kids will grow up and really make the best of themselves,” Williams said.

In fiscal year 2023, Our Family Services said they housed more than 1,100 kids. Their house has 20 beds and other amenities like showers and meals. Kids are able to stay up to three weeks, but staff can also refer them to stay longer.

“I ran away from home and would’ve loved to have found a place like this,” Colleen McDonald said.

She’s the chief program officer and said they do outreach at schools and businesses. After they take in a child, they come up with a plan for them.

“We work really hard to make sure that we’re accessible to anybody that needs us,” McDonald said.

In June, Our Family Services is hosting an event to raise awareness about their services.

“Don’t be scared to reach out. Help is always right next door, no matter what. It’ll always be there and it’ll help make the best of any situation," Williams said.

Andrew Christiansen is a reporter for KGUN 9. Before joining the team, Andrew reported in Corpus Christi, Texas for KRIS6 News, Action 10 News and guest reported in Spanish for Telemundo Corpus Christi. Share your story ideas with Andrew by emailing or by connecting on Facebook, or Twitter.