TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Kelly Sauer of Brian and Kelly's Pumpkins and Trees says this year's Black Friday opening was the busiest one yet.
She said they started getting requests for trees this year while the pumpkins were still out.
“I think every year we’re getting busier earlier in the season, and I almost link it to corporate," said Sauer. "They just put out the Christmas decorations really really early, and I think people are out shopping and they see and it and they just think Christmas!”
Big box stores like Walmart and Costco started selling Christmas decorations as early as the first week of October this year. Some deal-hunters also started Christmas shopping then.
“With the way the economy is now, starting early is always better," said Villamar. "Then, you always want to make sure you have the things that your kids want.”
She says they make the most of big sales like Black Friday door busters or Cyber Monday exclusives, getting gifts and decor for Christmas while some are still dusting off cobwebs from Halloween.
She and her family came to Brian and Kelly's stand not for a tree but for a dose of nostalgia.
“My husband and I actually met 11 years ago working for tips when we were 16 and 17 doing the trees," she gestured to the Christmas trees. "We try to come a couple times in December to relive the smells, the wet floor, the sap.”
Brian and Kelly expect to sell out or nearly sell out this year, something they say happens annually, but they do plan to stay open through Christmas Eve.
Alex Dowd is a multimedia journalist at KGUN 9, where her work combines her two favorite hobbies: talking to new people and learning about the community around her. Her goal is to eventually meet every single person in Tucson. Share your story ideas with Alex via email, alex.dowd@kgun9.com, or connecting on Instagram or X.