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Be The Light Ministries gives free haircuts and backpacks with back-to-school event


TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Be The Light Ministries is getting ready to host its second annual back-to-school event in Midtown, offering free haircuts and backpacks full of school supplies to boost the confidence of Tucson's children as they head back to class.

"It's important for their self-esteem. You know, I believe in my motto: you look good, you feel good, you do good," said Collins.

The event hopes to support not just the children, but their entire family. "I'm a father of six children, and I know how tough it can be financially during these times," Collins said. "We want to ease the burden on families, especially those who are truly in need right now."

Collins enjoys giving back because he believes it strengthens the entire community. "Tucson is a very tight community. We come together in times of need, and that's what we are looking to do with this event. It takes a village, and we all need to come together to help the children," he said.

The event will take place on Saturday, August 3rd, from 3-6 p.m. at Barrio Barbershop, located at Broadway and Swan. Children ages 5-15 are welcome to come.