WILLCOX, Ariz. (KGUN) — Mayor Greg Hancock of Willcox has only been on the job two months, but has some big goals; like bringing more businesses to the area.
“I think that's really important, if we can focus some of our effort on the schools and the businesses and help them succeed in the community,” Hancock said.
As a business owner himself, Hancock says his experience can help bring those new businesses to the city, which would in turn help the economy.
But right now, his biggest task is supporting the business community that is already there, while following a state-mandated Active Management Agreement for their groundwater.
“It is a concern that we have, and we're doing what we can to help be part of that conversation,” Hancock said. “Unfortunately, the city had no say in whether the basin was going to receive an AMA or have AMA put into place here.
"But I know as a city, we're continuing to have those conversations....to help find a solution to our water problem.”
The first step — keeping the city united.
“When we're unified, there's a lot that we can do and a lot that we can get done,” Hancock said.
His short-term goals are to prioritize the roads and maintenance of the city.
“It's a constant battle to keep our utilities going and keep our streets nice," Hancock said. "So, I'd really like to focus on keeping the streets, you know, pothole free, and keeping (Willcox) a nice place to be."
Alexis Ramanjulu is a reporter in Cochise County for KGUN 9. She began her journalism career reporting for the Herald/Review in Sierra Vista, which she also calls home. Share your story ideas with Alexis by emailing alexis.ramanjulu@kgun9.com or by connecting on Facebook.