BISBEE, Ariz. (KGUN) — The reconstruction of Bisbee's new City Hall is halfway done.
“This will bring us up back from the ashes that happened clear back in 2017,” said Bisbee Mayor, Ken Budge.
The 108-year-old building was destroyed by a fire in 2017. The construction began in February of last year at the site of the original structure.
“We were able to keep the facade, the front," Budge said. "It was just a way to bring the whole thing back together.”
The original facade will include the main entrance for the building, offering a connection to the past. A new, copper-colored roof pays tribute to Bisbee's history as a copper mining town.
“I'm pretty proud that we have come this far," the mayor said. "We will be in this new building within a few months.”
Budge, now in his third term, says he made it his goal to rebuild City Hall.
The construction has, so far, cost more than $3.5 million dollars. The city is using insurance money and capital improvement funds, in an effort to avoid increasing city taxes.
"Our burden is high enough now that we didn't need to do more, and since we could do it without (increasing taxes), that was very important,” Budge said.
The new building will have sprinklers in every room and a layer of cement will be placed in between the floors, in an effort to be more prepared for a fire.
"This one's not going anywhere like the last one,” Budge said.
The new building has the same layout as the previous building, but will be ADA compliant and have improved technology.
“I want the community to know, this is their house," Budge said. "It's not our house; it's not the mayor's house; it's not the council members' house. It's their house, and so they'll be able to come here to do their business, and also attend their meetings and be heard.”
He estimates construction will be done by mid-April.
Alexis Ramanjulu is a reporter in Cochise County for KGUN 9. She began her journalism career reporting for the Herald/Review in Sierra Vista, which she also calls home. Share your story ideas with Alexis by emailing or by connecting on Facebook.