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Ex-DJ David Mueller on Taylor Swift groping: 'I didn't do what they say I did'

"I can pass a polygraph," Mueller says
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DENVER – A day after a federal jury in Denver found he had assaulted and battered pop star Taylor Swift when he groped her before a 2013 concert, former KYGO DJ David Mueller maintained that he never touched Swift’s rear end.

“What I’m saying is that I didn’t do what they say I did,” Mueller told ABC’s Good Morning America. “I didn’t do it. I never grabbed her. I never had my hand under her skirt, and I can pass a polygraph.”

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Mueller spoke exclusively to Clayton Sandell of ABC News after the trial, in which he also lost out on a claim that he was wrongfully fired because Swift’s mother, Andrea, and manager Frank Bell forced his general manager at KYGO to fire him over the allegations.

By the end of the six-day trial, which started early last week, Mueller was seeking a couple hundred thousand dollars—the remainder of his contract and endorsements at KYGO after his firing.

The U.S. District Court of Colorado judge presiding over the case, William J. Martinez, had tossed four other claims against Andrea Swift and Bell, and had thrown out all claims against the singer herself.

But Swift’s counterclaim against Mueller, in which she alleged he assaulted and battered her when he allegedly groped her during the photo shoot ahead of the June 2, 2013 concert, persisted and went to the jury. Swift sought only $1 in nominal damages in her counterclaim; her attorney said that was because she simply wanted Mueller to be held accountable for his actions.

Still Tuesday, however, Mueller denied ever touching her inappropriately.

“I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t invited to be in the photo, so I just moved into the shot the best I could,” he told ABC’s Sandell.

Mueller also told ABC that he had sought “something in writing” from Swift’s team “which stated there was a misunderstanding.” He said such a note would have helped “possibly convince someone to hire” him.

He also said he was “maybe” thinking about filing an appeal in the case—something that ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams scoffed at.

“He’d be crazy to appeal. Not because he doesn’t have a shot, but because this is a civil case about money. This isn’t a criminal case,” Abrams said. “In a civil case about money you have to decide how much is it going to cost me to appeal. An appeal would be very expensive and the chances of him winning an appeal are very, very small.”

Mueller’s attorney in the case, M. Gabriel McFarland, didn’t mention an appeal when he sent a statement to Denver7 late Monday.

“I’m disappointed for Mr. Mueller, but I respect the jury’s decision,” McFarland said.

In a statement Monday, Swift thanked her supporters, Judge Martinez and team of attorneys for “fighting for” her.

“I want to thank Judge William J. Martinez and the jury for their careful consideration, my attorneys Doug Baldridge, Danielle Foley, Jay Schaudies and Katie Wright for fighting for me and anyone who feels silenced by a sexual assault, and especially anyone who offered their support throughout this four-year ordeal and two-year long trial process,” she said.

She also said she’d be making donations “in the near future” to organizations “that help sexual assault victims defend themselves.”

“My hope is to help those whose voices should also be heard,” Swift said.


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