So you’ve been a responsible saver and now its time to retire, How much of your retirement funds are you actually going to get to keep? When it comes to what you may have to pay in taxes, it can be a pretty rude wake up call for many retirees today. So, Registered Investment Advisor, Fiduciary, and Certified Estate Planner Jeff Vogan of Premiere Retirement Planning and Wealth Management right here in Tucson has some advice.

So you’ve been a responsible saver and now its time to retire, How much of your retirement funds are you actually going to get to keep? When it comes to what you may have to pay in taxes, it can be a pretty rude wake up call for many retirees today. So, Registered Investment Advisor, Fiduciary, and Certified Estate Planner Jeff Vogan of Premiere Retirement Planning and Wealth Management right here in Tucson has some advice.

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