TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — I was nervous to start production on this Hiring Heidi segment: Though I grew up playing piano, I've never been in a band before.
And while it seemed like as good a time as any to audition for a gig with A1 Reggae Band, there were obviously going to be some challenges.

“My mom's going to be so disappointed, but this looks like I have never played this before, even though I have,” I confessed to my new bandmate.
After wowing the other members in our rehearsal space with a rendition of Beethoven's Für Elise, the keyboard still looked foreign to me. They helped me out by teaching me the four chords to the song.
And even with a little coaching, I was struggling.
“If you can play those four in a row, you got the song," they encouraged me. Helping me get into rhythm, the singer provided some vocals and the drummer joined in to help me find the beat to the song.
But after a few attempts on keyboard I was ready for a turn on a different instrument.

They helped me get the basics of drumming down, then I was able to make some progress on my skills.
Really trying to feel the beat, I found that keeping my eyes closed did help me focus all the way through a song, until I got excited and lost control at the end.
Determined to find a place where I could fit in musically, I moved onto backing vocals.

I was nervous about this too, so I tried to dance it off.
"I'm just going to let you take this," I say. "I'll be in the back. I'll harmonize."
Did I mention before that I have no idea how to harmonize? By the end it seemed best for everyone for me to just try to move to the beat.

So after an evening rehearsal with A1 Reggae it came time for me to ask—and though they were more than willing to help me learn some new musical skills, I ended up not making the cut.
If you have a job you want me to try, send me an email at hiringheidi@kgun9.com.
Heidi Alagha is an anchor and reporter for KGUN 9. Heidi spent 5 years as the morning anchor in Waco where she was named the best anchor team by the Texas Associated Press. Share your story ideas and important issues with Heidi by emailing heidi.alagha@kgun9.com or by connecting on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.